In the late thirties and early forties of the 19th century Heinrich Essig, Mayor of Leonberg near Stuttgart, crossed a black and white Newfoundland dog with so-called “bear dog” (Barry-Rueden) from the monastery shelter Grand St. Bernard. Was later added to the Pyrenean mountain dog. The result was a very large dogs with predominantly long, white hair. Essig’s efforts were aimed to get a dog like a lion. The lion is an animal stamp Leonberg town.
First really named “Leonberger” dog born in 1846. They have combined the outstanding quality of the source breeds. After a short period of time a lot of these dogs were sold from Leonberg as a symbol of the city.
In the late nineteenth century Leonbergers held in Baden-Wuerttemberg primarily as a peasant dog. Harness their security and quality have become famous. During the two world wars and in need of the postwar period the number of breeding dogs has fallen dramatically. Today the Leonberger is predominantly a great family dog that meets all the needs of our modern life.
As the family dog in the modern conditions of life Leonberger pleasant partner who without difficulties everywhere can take with you and which is characterized by a pronounced love of children. He is not shy and not aggressive. As a companion dog he is a nice, obedient and fearless companion in all situations. By temperament necessary fortress in particular include: